Launch your NFTs or cryptocurrencies on any EVM supported chain in just few clicks

No extra fees or hidden charges. Using OpenZeppelin's battle tested and secure standard contract library. No overhead of writing code or hiring a developer.


ERC20 Token

Allows you to launch your own (fungible) cryptocurrency following ERC20 token standards.

ERC20 Token

An ERC20 token contract keeps track of fungible tokens: any one token is exactly equal to any other token; no tokens have special rights or behavior associated with them. This makes ERC20 tokens useful for things like a medium of exchange currency, voting rights, staking, and more.


ERC721 Token

ERC721 is a standard for representing ownership of non-fungible tokens, that is, where each token is unique.

ERC721 Token

You can make a fungible token using ERC20, but what if not all tokens are alike? This comes up in situations like real estate, voting rights, or collectibles, where some items are valued more than others, due to their usefulness, rarity, etc. ERC721 is a standard for representing ownership of non-fungible tokens, that is, where each token is unique.


ERC1155 Token

A standard contracts interface that manage multiple token types, i.e, it may include any combination of fungible tokens, non-fungible tokens or semi-fungible tokens.

ERC1155 Token

The idea is simple and seeks to create a smart contract interface that can represent and control any number of fungible and non-fungible token types. In this way, the ERC-1155 token can do the same functions as an ERC-20 and ERC-721 token, and even both at the same time. And best of all, improving the functionality of both standards, making it more efficient, and correcting obvious implementation errors on the ERC-20 and ERC-721 standards.


Single NFT

Allows you to mint a unique piece of art, one at a time.

Single NFT

Allows you to mint a unique piece of art, one at a time. This is for you if have only one image(or any other media file). But remember that you won't get to expand this into a collection later. That's more than enough to be known to mint your own NFT.


NFT Collection

Allows you to mint multiple assets in one go and create collections

NFT Collection

Allows you to mint multiple assets in one go. Even if each item in the collection is the same image, suppose, it would still have a unique ID on chain for distinction. That's more than enough to be known to mint your own collection.


ERC 404

ERC404 is an experimental, mixed ERC20 / ERC721 implementation with native liquidity and fractionalization.

ERC 404

While these two standards are not designed to be mixed, this implementation strives to do so in as robust a manner as possible while minimizing tradeoffs.